As the 2024 Lok Sabha elections draw near, ticket distribution has become a fiercely contested matter. Aspiring candidates are vying for their chance to participate in the elections, sparing no effort. In this highly competitive landscape, characterized by the extensive use of financial resources and influence, an intriguing incident unfolded in Gujarat. On October 15th, State BJP President CR Patil made an appearance at the Vishwabandhu Mega Blood Donation Camp, an event organized by the Sarva Dharm Sambhav Samiti to commemorate the birthday of Maulesh Ukani, a prominent businessman from Rajkot
Recognizing Ukani's remarkable track record of aiding others, CR Patil extended an invitation for him to contest in the Lok Sabha elections. Nevertheless, Ukani declined the offer, expressing his disinterest in politics and a preference for visiting Dwarka Dham over pursuing a political career in Delhi or Gandhinagar. Notably, Ukani also holds a position on the board of trustees in Dwarakadheesh, a sacred town located along India's western coast. In an era when numerous influential individuals are seeking to enter the realm of politics, Ukani's statement has generated significant attention within the local Gujarati media.
Maulesh Bhai Ukani is a prominent personality in Gujarat, acclaimed for his philanthropic efforts. Amid the hardships of the Covid-19 pandemic, he assumed a crucial role in delivering free sustenance and medications to the less fortunate. Ukani also commits himself to arranging complimentary health check-up events for senior citizens and those facing social disadvantages. Furthermore, he is recognized for his contributions towards the education and marriage support of girls. In his career, he serves as the founder and Managing Director of an Ayurvedic company with a dedicated mission to generate employment opportunities for a wide spectrum of individuals.
His benevolent deeds have resulted in numerous accolades, even drawing recognition from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Intriguingly, the BJP State President's offer to Ukani to venture into politics unfolded at a charitable event commemorating his birthday. Remarkably, the blood donation drive during this event achieved an extraordinary feat by collecting blood volume equivalent to at least six times Ukani's body weight in a single day. This exceptional accomplishment received widespread acclaim from the Gujarati media, celebrating Ukani for his praiseworthy contributions.
It's crucial to emphasize that the offer made by Patil to Maulesh Bhai was far from a mere symbolic gesture. Ukani holds a prominent position within the influential Kadva Patidar community, which is believed to trace its lineage back to Lord Rama's younger son, Kush. This community is predominantly concentrated in various regions of Gujarat, spanning North, Central, South Gujarat, and Saurashtra. Their political influence is exemplified by the fact that the current Member of Parliament for the area, BJP leader Mohanbhai Kundariya, also belongs to the Kadva Patidar community. If Maulesh Bhai had accepted Patil's proposition, there was a substantial likelihood of him representing Rajkot in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections.
It's truly remarkable and inspiring to find that, even in an era where many are in pursuit of wealth and influence, there exists an altruistic entrepreneur in the heart of India who is entirely dedicated to serving the public. Nevertheless, this isn't entirely unexpected, given Maulesh Bhai's deep commitment to Lord Krishna, as the principle of detachment from the results of one's actions lies at the very essence of all meaningful endeavors.
Unseen Times